Love This House Campaign
$0 Raised
This holiday season, spend your time making a difference in the artistic and cultural landscape of our city by donating to our Love This House campaign. When you take 20.2 seconds to donate, it helps the Taft historic house live on for another 200 years for generations to enjoy. A gift of just $20.20 to the Love This House campaign will help preserve the Historic House.
Together, we will preserve the Baum-Longworth-Sinton-Taft House for future generations. You are invited to join this preservation campaign.
Why Give Today?
Show How Much You Love This House
Help Us Secure A Matching Grant
The Taft Museum of Art has been awarded the competitive Infrastructure and Capacity Building Challenge Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities in the maximum amount of $750,000. To receive the grant, the Taft must raise $3 million to secure the 4:1 match.
Funds raised will directly support the Taft's Love This House campaign, a fundraising initiative seeking to raise $12.7MM to support the Taft's Bicentennial Infrastructure Project, critically needed to preserve and reconstruct the museum's 200-year-old historic house—the Taft's largest work of art and prized National Historic Landmark.
Join our Love This House campaign today to help fund the Bicentennial Infrastructure Project.
Our Story
We are the caring stewards of this 200-year-old former home. Meaningful work is needed to ensure future generations will experience its grandeur. The 2004 renovation was vital to the interior of the Museum; however, the exterior is in much need of repair. Our “Love This House Campaign” will raise the critical funding needed to ensure the future stability of our 200-year-old historic house— our largest work of art and prized National Historic Landmark.
Did You Know? The Taft Museum of Art has historic landmark status for the historic structure and the murals by Robert S. Duncanson. The Duncanson murals, some of our most important works, are painted directly onto the 200-year-old plaster of the historic home’s foyer. Because the murals cannot be moved, the care of the murals is of paramount concern. We will maintain a safe environment for the murals by controlling temperature and humidity, monitoring for vibration, and regularly examining the murals’ condition.
Project Updates
Discover the latest updates on the Taft Museum of Art’s Bicentennial Infrastructure Project needed to maintain the Taft historic house for the next century and the stories we are discovering along the way by subscribing to our newsletter, reading our latest updates, or following #TaftHouse200 on social!
For More Information
Contact Lindsey NeCamp, Vice President of Philanthropy & Deputy Director of External Affairs, at (513) 352-5133 or at
Organization name
Taft Museum of Art
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Children & Family , Community