Give the Gift of a Team

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Everybody In!
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Give the Gift of a Team. Your gift supports a swim team is that is free, safe and belongs to anyone!

6 donors

raised $90

50 donor goal

Give the Gift of a Team.

Your gift supports a swim team is that is free, safe and belongs to anyone of any ability, of any background. It provides a swim suit, cap and goggles to one child - and even more that that - you provide the gift of a team, the gift of discipline and stability and a lifelong skill of swimming. 

Our goal: 

• Fully fund free swim lessons for 500 kids and 100 adults in 2024 

• Provide new suits, goggles, caps for the entire swim team and meals before swim meets

 • Expand our summer camp further invest in STEM programming, water safety lessons, and activities for 80+ campers next summer 

Rhinos in the News:

Free swim team in Over-the-Rhine helps teach kids to swim (


This fundraiser supports

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Everybody In!

Organized By Alex Mangas

Giving Activity


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